Sunday, October 31, 2010

Corless Connection - 31 October 2010 - Sterling Heights, Michigan

Dear Family,
The adventures continue:
Ancestoral & Family Connections - After an absence of ~40+ years, Mom went to and returned from an Uruguaian adventure.  She has connected with several relatives and with a strong dose of determination mixed with a miracle she found the marriage date of her grandparents. She is so excitied and this excitement has spilled onto the rerlatives. It is another reason Mom needed to go to visit family this year. Immeasurable is the worth of this reconnection with family. We all miss her so much and anticipate hearing the full story. She is scheduled to be back in 19 days.
Settler  - Grandma is still settling in as fast as she can. Her endurance is amazing. This week she got a new roof installed, satillite dish installed, and a new washer & dryer installed, in between all the installing she unpacked some more stuff, took care of some banking business, got a new cell phone (586 201 4358), and got 6 staples in her head.  Grandma had a little fall from which she has a swollen and bruised spot on the forehead and shallow gash on the top of the head.  She is all right and it hasn’t slowed her settling in progress.  Go Grandma!
Serve - Dads new calling in High Priests group leadership is exciting. There is much to do and much to improve on. Dad took a few hours to make a one page grid of the ward with all the names of High Priest Hometeaching responsibility geographically located to help in organizing the home teaching. 

‘Tis the Football Season - Tyler came back from his injury and played in his first game of the season on Wednesday. He passed, ran in for the extra points and sacked the quarterback 3 times. Go Tyler.  Saturday was the Stake Flag Football tournament. Dad took a few action photos of the championship game depicting Jim & Ryan’s stellar performance as they went undefeated to take the stake championship once again. Go Guys
Love y’all, 
Maureen's Birthday Party Games

Maureen's B'day - "Happy Birthday to You"
Mom & Dad

1 comment:

Ryan and Rachel said...

I wish I was there! Love you Dad!