Sunday, May 22, 2011

Corless Clan Connection - Sterling Heights, Michigan 22 May 2011

Dear Family,
Mom’s Medical Mess - Friday afternoon, Mom was diagnosed with “Shingles”, which has effected the left side of her head with pain, sores and hyper sensitive skin. She is on an antiviral medication and Ibuprofen/Tylenol - has not used the codeine Tylenol they prescribed for pain. Although it is not a life threatening condition it is clearly life “miserabling” and can last for several months. (For details, refer to Mayo Clinic at Remember her in your prayers. On a relatively minor note, Dad had an up the nose and down to stomach endoscopy on Friday, which revealed a Hiatal Hernia (probable cause/contributor for the reflux issues he has been dealing with for several years).  Though no further  action is required it is just good to know.
Trekkers - On Saturday Ryan (Pa) & Maureen (Ma) had a trail run for the Youth Conference Trek activity next month. Dad took care of the older kids for the day. Vanessa came after breakfast and took little Rex, who had a re do of his circumcision on Friday. Meanwhile, Dad took the rest of the tribe to Jacob’s soccer game, -which didn’t happen- so the next hour they made the best of a great playground next to the field. Dad turned it into a photo shoot of Preston, Jacob and Sophia. (
Relief Society Activities - Mom and to a lesser extent Dad were involved in and supported a Sq. Ft. Gardening class at home and  a “What’s in Your Purse” activity at church on Thursday. Dad learned what to do to make his garden work better for this year.
Top Shelf - Holli and Dad finished cutting out and assembling the shelf project on Wednesday afternoon. It is ready for painting and hauling back home. 
“Bikers B Us” - To enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise, Mom and Dad bought “his and hers” brand new 21 speed bicycles from Costco. Hopefully, they can pedal their way to better fitness.
Obrigado & Gracias - Dad says, “Thanks for all the Birthday cards, calls, gifts.” “It wasn’t so bad turning 62 with the support of you all!”
Love y’all, Mom & Dad  

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